> 口语知识 > worried怎么读英语



What is "worried" in English?

"Worried" is an English word that describes a feeling of uneasiness or anxiety. It is often used to describe a state of mind when one is concerned about something or someone. In English, it is pronounced as /ˈwʌrid/ with the stress on the first syllable.

How to use "worried" in a sentence?

There are different ways to use "worried" in a sentence depending on the context. For example:

  • "I'm worried about my exams next week."
  • "She looks worried about her flight being delayed."
  • "They were worried they would run out of food during the camping trip."

What are some synonyms for "worried"?

In English, there are several synonyms that can be used instead of "worried" depending on the situation. Some of them include:

  • Anxious
  • Concerned
  • Nervous
  • Apprehensive
  • Fretful
  • Distressed

What are some idioms related to "worried"?

In English, there are many idioms that use the word "worried" or describe a feeling of worry or anxiety. Here are a few examples:

  • "Bite your nails" - This is used when someone is so worried they start biting their nails.
  • "Lose sleep over something" - This is used when someone is so worried that they can't sleep at night.
  • "On edge" - This is used to describe someone who is anxious or worried about something.
  • "Have a knot in one's stomach" - This describes the feeling of being very worried or anxious about something.

How can I express "not worried" in English?

If you are not worried about something, there are several ways to express it in English. You can use a negative statement or one of the following phrases:

  • "I'm not concerned about it."
  • "It doesn't worry me."
  • "I'm not bothered."
  • "I'm confident it will work out."
  • "I'm optimistic."


Understanding the meaning and usage of "worried" is essential for effective English communication. Whether you are expressing worry or trying to understand someone else's concerns, having a grasp of this common English word is critical. Use the tips and examples presented here to help you use "worried" correctly and effectively.