> 口语知识 > juice怎么读英语




Juice is a popular beverage consumed all over the world. It is made from the extraction of liquid from fruits or vegetables. However, one thing that confuses many English learners is how to correctly pronounce "juice" in English. In this article, we will discuss the correct way to pronounce the word "juice" in English.

The Pronunciation of "Juice"

The word "juice" is pronounced as "jus" in English. The "c" in "juice" is silent, and the "i" and "u" make a long "u" sound. Therefore, the correct pronunciation of "juice" is /dʒuːs/ (joo-s).

Common Mispronunciation of "Juice"

Many English learners mispronounce the word "juice" as /dʒʌɪs/ (juice) or /dʒuɪs/ (ju-iss). However, these pronunciations are incorrect and may lead to confusion or misunderstandings when speaking with native English speakers. Therefore, it is crucial to learn and practice the correct pronunciation.

Practice Exercises

Here are some exercises to help you practice the correct pronunciation of "juice":

  1. Repeat the word "juice" out loud, emphasizing the long "u" sound.
  2. Listen to native speakers pronounce the word "juice" in videos or podcasts, and try to imitate their pronunciation.
  3. Practice using the word "juice" in sentences and conversations.


Pronouncing "juice" correctly is important for effective communication in English. Remember that the "c" in "juice" is silent, and the "i" and "u" make a long "u" sound. Practice the correct pronunciation and don't be afraid to ask for feedback from native English speakers to improve your pronunciation skills.