> 口语知识 > student怎么读英语




As an AI language model, I am not capable of reading, so I can’t give you a straightforward answer to the question "how to read student in English?". However, as a language model, I can provide you with some insights and guidelines on how to properly pronounce the word "student" in English.

Pronunciation of "student"

The word "student" is pronounced "STOO-dent" in American English and "STYOO-dent" in British English. The difference between the two pronunciations is the vowel sound in the first syllable. In American English, the vowel is more open and pronounced as a "oo" sound, while in British English, the vowel is pronounced with a "yoo" sound.

Breaking Down the Pronunciation of "student"

The pronunciation of "student" can be broken down into two syllables: "stu" and "dent". The stressed syllable is the second one, "dent". The "st" sound at the beginning of the word is an unvoiced consonant cluster, which means that the vocal cords do not vibrate during pronunciation.

Tips and Tricks for Learning the Pronunciation of "student"

If you are a non-native English speaker struggling with the pronunciation of the word "student", here are some tips and tricks to help you improve:

  1. Listen to native speakers saying the word "student" and try to mimic their pronunciation
  2. Pay attention to the stress pattern of the word – "STOO-dent" vs. "STYOO-dent"
  3. Practice the "st" consonant cluster to get the pronunciation right
  4. Use a dictionary or an online pronunciation tool to help you with the correct pronunciation


In conclusion, the pronunciation of the word "student" in English varies depending on the speaker's accent. The word is generally pronounced as "STOO-dent" in American English and "STYOO-dent" in British English. However, regardless of the accent, it is important to pay attention to the stress pattern and the pronunciation of the "st" consonant cluster to get the pronunciation right.