> 口语知识 > done怎么读英语




When it comes to reading English, pronunciation is one of the most important aspects to master. Knowing how to pronounce specific words or phrases correctly can make a big difference in how well you are understood. One common word used in JavaScript programming is '.done'. This article will provide a guide on how to properly pronounce '.done' in English.

The Basics of Pronunciation

Before we dive into how to pronounce '.done', it's important to understand the basics of English pronunciation. One key aspect to keep in mind is stress. Stress is the emphasis or accent placed on certain syllables in a word. English words typically have one of the syllables more stressed than the others. For example, in the word 'banana', the stress falls on the second syllable while the first and last syllables are unstressed.

Additionally, the combination of consonant and vowel sounds plays a big role in English pronunciation. In general, there are two types of vowel sounds: short and long. Short vowel sounds are pronounced quickly, while long vowel sounds are pronounced for a longer duration. Consonant sounds also vary in their pronunciation, with some consonants being voiced and others being voiceless.

Known Pronunciations of '.done'

When it comes to pronouncing '.done', there are actually several possible ways to do so. One common variation is to pronounce it like the word 'done', with the same vowel sounds and stress. In this case, the 'dot' in '.done' would be pronounced as a separate syllable, similar to the 'di' in 'divide'.

Another possible pronunciation is to say it like the two words 'dot' and 'done' combined. In this case, the emphasis would fall on the first syllable, 'dot', and the vowel sound in 'done' would be a short 'uh' sound.

The Most Common Pronunciation of '.done'

While there are multiple ways to pronounce '.done', the most common one used in programming and computer science circles is to pronounce the 'dot' as a separate syllable, followed by the word 'done' with normal stress and vowel sounds. This pronunciation sounds like 'dot-dun'.

It's important to note that while this pronunciation is commonly accepted in programming jargon, it may not be the same in other contexts or accents. It's always a good idea to be aware of the audience you are speaking to and adjust your pronunciation as needed.

Practice and Tips

Like any aspect of language learning, the best way to improve your pronunciation of '.done' is through practice. Try saying the word out loud several times and record yourself to compare your pronunciation to the accepted version. You can also listen to native English speakers say '.done' in context by watching coding tutorials or online lectures.

If you're struggling with English pronunciation in general, there are a few tips that can help. First, focus on learning the stress and rhythm of English by listening to spoken English regularly. You can also work on improving your mouth and tongue placement by practicing specific sounds or working with a speech therapist.


Pronunciation is an important aspect of English language learning, and mastering it can make a big difference in how effectively you communicate with others. While there are several ways to pronounce '.done', the most common in programming jargon is to say 'dot-dun'. Remember to practice regularly and adjust your pronunciation as needed for your audience.
