> 口语知识 > 关于money的英语口语对话


[摘要]:求一篇英语口语对话,时间五分钟就行关于对钱的看法,一个人认...A:Money is the most important thing in our life,I think.B :On the contrast,I dont think so.Honestly speaking,money is very important,but。英语口语考试话题,六句话左右.Ifabeggarasksyou



A:Money is the most important thing in our life,I think.B :On the contrast,I don't think so.Honestly speaking,money is very important,but。


l will give money to that man.why?because he is so poor that he can't afford everything.l am a optimistic man.there is no doubt to give t。


If I am a millionaire,I will be famous I think.I will buy a big house for my parents,they will be happy.I think I will raise money for the charitie。




A:Good morningB:MOrningA:DO you want to have a look at our new product(mp3),it is in excellent quality,and moreover,we are currently hold。


First of all,I agree with the statement.Nowadays,as our worlds changing over nights,people would have greater pressure on living,and incr。

赚更多的钱是make much money 还是make more money_沪江网校...

同学好,赚很多的钱是make a lot of money比较级为make more money注意英文中一般要出现两个对比采用比较级,如果一句话没有第二个事物出现,那么还是。

英语场景2人对话1..A和B 谈论来自哪里?2..A 问B 这周有什么...

A:where are you come from? B:Liverpool what about you A:Liverpool,so cool and I am from Bristol,but I get my BSc degree at Liverpool I li。


spend 的最常见的两种用法就是 spend ...on sth spend ...in doing sth.in 是可以省略的.如果要用到做什么事,就得用第二种,加上in 就显得正式的多 。


It is believed that money is neccessary in our daily life,wheras it's not the most essential one.钞票的诱惑--关于钱的18种英文表达(全英文)。