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What is "there's" in English?

"There's" is a contraction of "there is" in English. The contraction means that the two words are shortened and joined by an apostrophe to make the sentence flow more smoothly. It is a commonly used word in English and is used to indicate the existence or presence of something.

How do you pronounce "there's"?

The pronunciation of "there's" is similar to the sound of the word "th-airs". The "th" sound is made by placing the tongue between the teeth and blowing air out. This is followed by the "air" sound, which is a smooth exhalation without any obstructions in the mouth. The final "s" sound is formed by closing the lips slightly and blowing air through them.

How to use "there's" in a sentence?

"There's" is used to indicate that something exists or is present. For example, "There's a cat on the table" means that a cat is presently located on the table. Another example could be, "There's a park near my house" which indicates the presence of a park in the vicinity of the speaker's residence.

Can "there's" be used with plural nouns?

Yes, "there's" can be used with plural nouns to indicate that multiple items are present or exist. For example, "There's three apples on the table" or "There's a few books on the shelf". However, it is typically considered more grammatically correct to use "there are" when referring to plural nouns. For example, "There are three apples on the table" and "There are a few books on the shelf."

Are there any variations of "there's" in English?

Yes, there are variations of "there's" depending on the tense of the sentence. For example, in the past tense, "there's" becomes "there was" such as in "There was a beautiful sunset last night". Similarly, in the future tense, "there's" becomes "there will be" as in "There will be a lot of traffic tomorrow."

Overall, "there's" is a useful contraction in English that can indicate the presence or existence of something. It can be used with both singular and plural nouns depending on the context and the tense of the sentence. Proper pronunciation of "there's" is important as well to ensure effective communication.