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What is "Lend" in English and How to Pronounce It?

"Lend" is a common verb in English that refers to the act of giving someone something with the expectation of it being returned. It is an important word to know for both native and non-native speakers of English, as it is frequently used in conversation and writing. However, its pronunciation can be confusing for those who are new to the language. In this article, we will explore the correct pronunciation of "lend" in English.

The Pronunciation of "Lend" in English

The word "lend" is pronounced with a short "e" sound followed by the consonant "n." The stress is on the first syllable, so the word is pronounced like "LEND," with the vowel sound being similar to that in the word "bed." Some non-native English speakers may pronounce it with a long "e" sound, which is incorrect. It's important to note that the pronunciation of "lend" can vary slightly depending on regional accents and dialects.

Examples of "Lend" in Sentences

To better understand the usage of "lend" in English, let's look at some examples:

  • Can you lend me some money?
  • I'm happy to lend you this book.
  • We don't usually lend our tools to strangers.
  • She asked me to lend her my car for the weekend.
  • He refused to lend his car to his brother.

Synonyms for "Lend"

When you lend something to someone, you can also use a few different verbs with similar meanings. Some common synonyms for "lend" include:

  • Loan
  • Borrow
  • Provide
  • Offer
  • Advance

Idioms and Phrases that Use "Lend"

There are a few idioms and phrases in English that use the word "lend." Here are a few examples:

  • "Lend a hand" - Help someone with something
  • "Lend an ear" - Listen attentively to someone
  • "Lend weight" - Give support or credibility to something
  • "Lend itself to" - Be suitable or appropriate for something


In summary, "lend" is a common word in English that refers to the act of giving something with the expectation of it being returned. Its correct pronunciation is with a short "e" sound followed by the consonant "n," with the stress on the first syllable. It's important to know this, as mispronunciation can lead to misunderstandings in conversation. Knowing synonyms and idioms that use "lend" can also help you better understand and use this word in context.
