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What is Weak in English?

The word 'weak' is an adjective in the English language. It can be used to describe a person, thing or situation that is lacking in strength or vitality. The pronunciation of the word, like most words in English, depends on the accent or dialect of the speaker. But generally, the word is pronounced as "week".

Usage of Weak as an Adjective

The use of the word 'weak' as an adjective is common in the English language. It can describe a person's physical or mental condition, such as a weak immune system or a weak-minded individual. It can also be used to describe a thing that is weak in structure, function, or power, such as a weak bridge or a weak signal. Another usage of 'weak' is to describe a situation that lacks strength or impact, like a weak argument or weak support for a point of view.

Synonyms and Antonyms of Weak

Like any other English word, 'weak' has synonyms and antonyms to denote similar or opposite meanings. Some synonyms for 'weak' include feeble, frail, powerless, impotent, and ineffective. Conversely, antonyms for 'weak' would include strong, sturdy, powerful, robust, and energetic. It's important to know these words to accurately communicate ideas and create versatile sentences.

Common Phrases with 'Weak'

The word 'weak' is a common adjective that is present in several idiomatic expressions and phrases in the English language. Some examples include "weak in the knees", which means to feel emotionally overcome by something or someone, and "weak as water", which portrays a situation as lacking strength or solidity. Another common phrase is "weak link", which describes an individual or entity that is the most vulnerable or unreliable component of a system.

The Importance of Pronunciation in Learning English

As mentioned earlier, the pronunciation of 'weak' in English can differ depending on the speaker's dialect or accent. This highlights the importance of learning proper pronunciation in learning the language. Knowing how to pronounce words accurately and clearly can help avoid misunderstandings and miscommunications. Additionally, correct pronunciation can convey confidence and competence in speaking the English language.


The word 'weak' is a versatile adjective that is commonly used in the English language. It describes a state of lacking strength or vitality and can be used to describe people, things, and situations. Knowing the synonyms, antonyms, and idiomatic expressions associated with 'weak' is essential to communicating effectively in English. Furthermore, pronunciation is an indispensable aspect of learning the language and should be practiced and improved continuously.