> 口语知识 > 2001怎么读英语




2001 is a year that is often referenced in conversations, movies, and stories. It is commonly known as "two thousand and one" in English. However, there are a few different ways to pronounce it correctly. In this article, we will explore the various ways to pronounce 2001 in English and the reasons behind the different pronunciations.

The Traditional Pronunciation

The traditional way to pronounce 2001 in English is "two thousand and one". This pronunciation follows the standard rules of counting in English, where you say the largest number first followed by the smaller numbers. It is the same method used to pronounce any year after 2000. Therefore, this pronunciation is widely accepted and commonly used in different English-speaking countries.

The Alternative Pronunciation

Another way to pronounce 2001 in English is “twenty-oh-one”. This particular pronunciation first emerged in the mid-2000s, and subsequently gained popularity through films, television shows, and music. This alternative pronunciation is believed to have originated from the year 2010 (twenty-ten), where the "two thousand and" was dropped, and people simply started to use the year's last two digits. Therefore, the same principle was applied to 2001, resulting in the “twenty-oh-one” variation.

The Debate on Correct Pronunciation

The alternative pronunciation of 2001 has sparked a debate among English speakers. While some people feel that "two thousand and one" is the correct pronunciation, others believe that "twenty-oh-one" is acceptable too. The argument in favor of the former is that it follows the standard rules of counting, while the latter is regarded as a more casual and slang-based pronunciation. However, both pronunciations are deemed correct, and it largely depends on the context in which they are used.


In conclusion, there are two ways to pronounce 2001 in English - "two thousand and one" and "twenty-oh-one". Each pronunciation has its unique history and cultural significance. While there may be a debate on which pronunciation is correct, it is important to remember that both are acceptable in different situations. It is up to the speaker to choose the pronunciation that is most appropriate for the context and audience. Pronouncing 2001 correctly is a small yet vital aspect of English language learning and essential for effective communication.