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What is .l'm file extension?

The “.l’m” file extension stands for Linear Module. It is a file format used for storing and exchanging linear algebra, matrix, and vector data. It is a binary file format and can be used in the MATLAB® computing environment to save and load linear algebra data.

How to read .l'm files in MATLAB?

To read an “.l’m” file in MATLAB, use the “load” command followed by the file name and the “-mat” option. For example:


This will load the “matrix_data.lm” file into the MATLAB workspace as a MATLAB data structure.

What are the advantages of using .l'm file format?

The “.l’m” file format is optimized for linear algebra data and allows for fast and efficient storage and retrieval of large matrices and vectors. It is also compatible with other programming languages that support binary file input/output operations such as C, C++, Python, and Java.

Another advantage of using the .l’m file format is its ability to store other metadata. For example, the MATLAB data structure saved in an .l’m file can include other data types such as strings, integers, and floating-point numbers, as well as information about the matrix size, variable names, and other attributes.

How to convert .l'm files to other formats?

To convert an “.l’m” file to another format such as a text file, use the “save” command in MATLAB followed by the file name and the desired output format. For example:

matrix_data = rand(100,100);save('matrix_data.txt','matrix_data','-ascii');

This will save the “matrix_data” variable to a text file named “matrix_data.txt” using ASCII encoding. Alternatively, one can use third-party software such as the “LMtoTXT” utility to convert .l’m files to text files or other formats.


The “.l’m” file format is a binary file format used for storing and exchanging linear algebra data. It is optimized for fast and efficient storage and retrieval of large matrices and vectors and is compatible with other programming languages. In MATLAB, “.l’m” files can be read and written using standard input/output commands.