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stress - 第2页|三一口语
> 有关“stress”的文章 - 第2页
  • arrived怎么读英语


    Introduction Arrived is a common English verb used to describe the action of arriving at a destination. It is essential to know how to pronounce i...

    04-16 565 243 未分类
  • snack怎么读英语


    What is a snack? A snack is a small amount of food that we eat between meals. Snacks can come in many forms, including fruit, nuts, candy, chips, ...

    04-16 803 514 未分类
  • disappointed怎么读英语


    Introduction Disappointed is an English word that can be used to describe a feeling of dissatisfaction or sadness when expectations are not met. T...

    04-16 479 141 未分类
  • 14th怎么读英语


    Introduction 14th is a common term that people encounter in different situations. It can refer to different things such as the 14th amendment, the...

    04-16 323 587 未分类