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初中生 - 第2页|三一口语
> 有关“初中生”的文章 - 第2页
  • 初中英语口语短文


    [摘要]:急需一篇由初中生写的,关于怎么样提高英语口语水平的文章_作业帮Its important for us to learn English well.But,its also difficult for us to le...

    01-10 1 232 未分类
  • 初中英语上课的基本口语


    [摘要]:初中英语课堂常用口语_作业帮good morning/evening/afternoon.how are you?HOW old are you?Nice to meet you.Glad to meet you.See you tomorrow/t...

    11-22 1 93 未分类
  • 初中英语口语课堂


    [摘要]:初中英语口语演讲稿适合初中2年级的口语稿子`口语比赛用的`...这两个短文还比较有寓意哦个人觉得不错哦A milkmaid was going to the market.She car...

    11-19 1 319 未分类