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What is check in English?

Check is a very common word in English that can be used in different contexts with different meanings. It can be a verb, noun, or adjective. The word "check" primarily means to inspect, examine or verify something in order to ensure its accuracy or correctness. In various situations, the word "check" can be pronounced differently, depending on the context and its usage. Below are some ways to pronounce and use the word "check" in different situations.

How to pronounce check?

In the general sense, the word "check" has two different pronunciations. As a verb, the first syllable sounds like "chek," with the emphasis on the first syllable. As a noun, the first syllable sounds like "chek" or "chee," with the emphasis on the second syllable. It is important to note that there are several more specific contexts where the pronunciation of the word "check" might vary depending on the context in which it is used.

How to use check as a verb?

As a verb, "check" might mean to examine, investigate, or inspect for accuracy, correction, or detection of faults. For instance, "Can you please check my essay for grammatical errors?" In this sentence, "check" means to examine or inspect for accuracy. Another example can be, "I need to check the locks before we leave." In this sentence, "check" means to investigate or inspect for safety measures.

How to use check as a noun?

As a noun, "check" can mean many different things, such as a bill or a tab at a restaurant. For example, "Can I get the check, please?" In this sentence, "check" means a bill or a tab. Another example can be, "I am going to write a check for the rent." In this sentence, "check" means a written order to a bank to pay a specified amount of money to a particular recipient.

How to use check as an adjective?

As an adjective, "check" is another way to describe patterns or designs that look like squares or resemble a chessboard. For example, "She was wearing a black and white checked shirt." In this sentence, "checked" means a pattern like squares or a chessboard design.


The English language is vast, and the pronunciation of a word varies on the context in which it is used. Check is one such word that is used in diverse ways, and the way it is pronounced is uniquely dependent on the context. Hopefully, this article has given you some insight into how to use and pronounce the word "check" in different contexts.