> 口语知识 > however怎么读英语



What is "however"?

"However" is a transitional adverb that is often used to introduce a contrasting idea or to show a shift in thought. It can be used either at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence. It is one of the most common transition words in academic and professional writing.

The pronunciation of "however"

The pronunciation of "however" can vary depending on regional accents. In American English, it is usually pronounced with an emphasis on the first syllable: "HOW-ever." In British English, it is often pronounced with an emphasis on the second syllable: "how-EV-er." Both pronunciations are widely accepted, so it is up to personal preference or the influence of the local accent.

Using "however" in a sentence

When using "however" in a sentence, it is important to remember its function as a transitional adverb. It should be used to contrast with or contradict the preceding idea. It is often used to provide a counterargument, a contradictory point of view, or an unexpected outcome. For example: "I thought the movie would be terrible; however, it turned out to be quite enjoyable."

Other words that can replace "however"

If you find yourself using "however" too frequently, there are other transitional adverbs that you can use. Some common alternatives to "however" include "nonetheless," "nevertheless," "still," and "yet." These words have similar meanings and can be used in the same way as "however."

Practice using "however"

To practice using "however" correctly in sentences, try writing short paragraphs with contrasting ideas. Start each paragraph with a sentence that expresses an initial idea, then use "however" to introduce a contrasting idea. Here's an example: "I was excited to visit a new restaurant in town; however, the food was disappointingly bland. The service, however, was exceptional, and the atmosphere was cozy and inviting. Overall, I was let down by the food; however, I would go back for the great service and atmosphere." Remember to use "however" correctly to create clear and effective transitions between ideas.
