> 口语知识 > operate怎么读英语




Operate is a commonly used verb in English, and knowing how to correctly pronounce it is important to effectively communicate in the language.

Phonetics of "operate"

The phonetics of "operate" are as follows: [op-uh-reyt] or /ˈɑpəˌreɪt/. The stress is on the second syllable, and the first syllable can be pronounced as "op" or "ahp".

Pronunciation in American English

In American English, "operate" is pronounced as "AHP-uh-rayt". The first syllable is pronounced with a short "A" sound, and the second syllable is pronounced with a long "A" sound. The "T" at the end is usually pronounced, unless the word is followed by a word that begins with a consonant sound.

Pronunciation in British English

In British English, "operate" is pronounced as "AH-puh-rayt". The first syllable is pronounced with a short "A" sound, and the second syllable is pronounced with a schwa sound, which is the neutral vowel sound that is represented by the symbol "uh". The "T" at the end is usually not pronounced.

Common Mistakes in Pronouncing "operate"

One common mistake in pronouncing "operate" is to stress the first syllable instead of the second syllable. This can result in pronouncing the word as "OP-uh-rayt", which is not correct. Another mistake is to pronounce the "T" at the end too strongly, which can make the word sound like "oper-ate" instead of "operate".


Correctly pronouncing "operate" is important in effectively communicating in English, whether it be in American or British English. Remember to stress the second syllable, pronounce the "A" sounds correctly, and be mindful of the pronunciation of the "T" at the end.