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'tail' is a common term used in computer science and programming, especially in the context of log files. Understanding how to read and use 'tail' can be helpful in various applications.

What is 'tail'?

'Tail' is a command-line utility in Unix and Unix-like operating systems that shows the last few lines of a text file. By default, it shows the last 10 lines, but this can be adjusted with a command-line parameter. For example, 'tail -n 20' will show the last 20 lines of a file. 'Tail' can be useful for monitoring log files or other files that are constantly being updated.

How to use 'tail'

To use 'tail', open a terminal or command prompt and type 'tail' followed by the file name. For example, 'tail myfile.txt'. This will show the last 10 lines of 'myfile.txt'. To adjust the number of lines shown, use the '-n' option. For example, 'tail -n 20 myfile.txt' will show the last 20 lines.

'Tail' can also be used with the '-f' option to continuously show the last few lines of a file as it is updated in real-time. For example, 'tail -f access.log' will continuously show the last few lines of the 'access.log' file as it is updated by a web server.

Applications of 'tail'

'Tail' can be useful in various applications, such as monitoring log files for errors or troubleshooting network issues. For example, when a web server is experiencing high traffic, 'tail' can be used to monitor the 'access.log' file to identify which pages are being requested the most.

'Tail' can also be used in software development to monitor the output of a running program or log file. This can be helpful in identifying bugs or errors in the code.


In conclusion, 'tail' is a versatile and powerful command-line utility that can be useful in various applications. Whether monitoring log files or troubleshooting network issues, 'tail' is a valuable tool in the arsenal of any computer scientist or programmer.