> 口语知识 > often怎么读英语




As a commonly used word in English, "often" is often used to describe the frequency of certain actions or events. However, many non-native English speakers may struggle with its pronunciation. In this article, we will discuss how to properly pronounce "often" in English.

Silent "T"

One of the primary challenges in pronouncing "often" correctly is the silent "t" in the word. While it may seem like the "t" should be pronounced, it is actually silent. Therefore, the correct pronunciation is "off-en" with no emphasis on the "t" sound.

Emphasis on the First Syllable

In addition to the silent "t", it is important to note that the emphasis in "often" is on the first syllable. This means that when pronouncing the word, the "off" should be emphasized while the "en" should be pronounced more softly.

Regional Differences

It is also worth noting that there may be some regional differences in the pronunciation of "often" in English. In some dialects, the "t" may be pronounced. However, in standard British and American English, the silent "t" pronunciation is used.

Practice and Listening

Finally, the best way to become comfortable with the correct pronunciation of "often" is to practice saying the word and to listen to native English speakers saying it. This will help you to develop a better understanding of how the word is pronounced in different contexts.


In conclusion, the word "often" is pronounced "off-en" with a silent "t" and emphasis on the first syllable. While there may be some regional differences in pronunciation, the silent "t" is used in standard British and American English. Practicing and listening to native English speakers are the best ways to improve your pronunciation of "often" and become more comfortable using it in conversation.