> 口语知识 > clock怎么读英语




When it comes to telling time in English, the word "clock" is a common term used. However, the pronunciation of this word can vary depending on where the speaker comes from. Let's explore how to properly pronounce "clock" in English.

Pronunciation in American English

In American English, "clock" is pronounced with a "k" sound, as in "klock." This is because the letter "c" followed by the letter "l" in English is usually pronounced with a "k" sound, unlike in many other languages where it is pronounced as a "ch" sound (such as in the word "climb"). To hear how "clock" is pronounced in American English, visit an online dictionary or language-learning website that offers audio samples.

Pronunciation in British English

In British English, "clock" is pronounced with a "k" sound as well. However, there is a slight difference in how the vowel sound is pronounced. The "o" in "clock" is pronounced with a shorter, sharper sound in British English than in American English. To hear how "clock" is pronounced in British English, visit an online dictionary or language-learning website that offers audio samples.

Differences in Regional Pronunciation

Just like with any language, the pronunciation of "clock" can vary depending on the region. For example, in some parts of the southern United States, "clock" may be pronounced with a drawn-out "aw" sound, such as "claw-ck." In parts of England, the "o" sound may be pronounced with a slightly different pitch or tone than in other regions.

Tips for Pronouncing "Clock" in English

If English is not your first language or you are struggling with the proper pronunciation of "clock," there are a few tips that can help. First, practice saying the word slowly, paying close attention to each syllable and the sounds within each syllable. Next, try saying the word in different accent styles, such as American and British English, to get a sense of how the pronunciation differs. Finally, listen to English speakers saying the word in different contexts to get a more comprehensive understanding of the correct pronunciation.


The pronunciation of "clock" in English can vary depending on the region and the accent of the speaker. However, by understanding the basic rules and paying attention to each individual sound in the word, anyone can learn to properly pronounce "clock" in English. Practice, repetition, and exposure to different pronunciations are key to mastering this important term in the English language.