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What is ".thirty" in English?

If you have come across the term ".thirty" in English, you might be unsure of how to pronounce it. ".thirty" is actually a domain extension for websites, similar to ".com" or ".org". It is specifically used for websites related to Thailand, which is why it is pronounced in a unique way. Here's how to properly pronounce ".thirty" in English.

Understanding the Pronunciation of ".thirty"

The pronunciation of ".thirty" is unique because it is supposed to mimic the Thai language. The correct way to pronounce it is "dot-tai", with a soft "t" and a long "i" sound at the end. This pronunciation is meant to sound like "ไทย", which is the Thai word for Thailand. So if you come across a website with the domain extension ".thirty", remember to pronounce it as "dot-tai".

The Importance of Proper Pronunciation

While proper pronunciation of domain extensions may not seem like a big deal, it can actually be quite important. This is especially true if you are interacting with someone who is from Thailand, or if you are traveling to Thailand. Demonstrating that you understand how to pronounce ".thirty" shows that you have an understanding and respect for the Thai language and culture.

Examples of ".thirty" Websites

Some examples of websites that use the ".thirty" domain extension include tourismthailand.org, which is the official tourism website for Thailand. There is also siamthai.net, which is a Thai restaurant located in California. Another example is thailotto9.com, which is a popular Thai lottery website. These websites all have ".thirty" in their domain name, so keep in mind the proper pronunciation if you ever come across them.

The Future of ".thirty"

While ".thirty" is currently a relatively unknown domain extension, it has the potential to become more popular in the future. As more and more people become interested in traveling to Thailand and exploring Thai culture, websites with ".thirty" domains may become more prevalent. By understanding how to properly pronounce ".thirty", you can be prepared to navigate the internet and communicate effectively with Thai people both in person and online.