> 口语知识 > pear怎么读英语




Pear is a delicious fruit that is enjoyed worldwide. However, when it comes to pronouncing the word "pear" correctly in English, many non-native speakers struggle due to its silent letter "p." In this article, we will provide you with simple tips to correctly pronounce the word "pear" in English.

The Sound of "P"

Before we dive into pronouncing "pear," it's essential to understand the sound of the letter "p" in English. In English, "p" is a voiceless bilabial stop consonant, which means it requires no vibration of the vocal cords and is made by fully stopping the airflow with the lips.

How to Pronounce "Pear"

To pronounce the word "pear" correctly, you need to ignore the letter "p" and concentrate on the second letter "e." The correct pronunciation of "pear" is "air" with a softer "r" sound. Pronouncing "pear" in this way will help you avoid the common mistake of pronouncing it like "pair."

Practice Makes Perfect

One of the best ways to improve your pronunciation of "pear" is through practice. You can practice saying it aloud several times slowly and then increase your speed gradually. Listen to native English speakers say the word "pear" and try to imitate their pronunciation. That way, you can hear the correct intonation and accent.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

As mentioned earlier, the most common mistake made in pronouncing "pear" is pronouncing it like "pair." Another mistake is placing too much emphasis on the letter "r," resulting in pronouncing it like "pea-r." It's crucial to avoid these mistakes as they can make it challenging for others to understand what you're saying.


In conclusion, pronouncing "pear" correctly takes practice but is easy once you understand the sound of the letter "p" in English. Remember to focus on the second letter "e" and avoid the common mistake of pronouncing it like "pair." With these tips, you are on your way to natural-sounding English. Happy practicing!