> 口语知识 > cinema怎么读英语




Cinema is a commonly used word in the English language, most often referring to a movie theater or the art of filmmaking. However, some may be unsure of how to properly pronounce this word, as it may differ from one's native language. In this article, we will discuss how to pronounce "cinema" in English and provide tips to improve your pronunciation skills.

How to pronounce "cinema"

The correct pronunciation of "cinema" in English is "sih-neh-muh", with the stress on the second syllable. The "c" in "cinema" is pronounced like an "s", and the "h" is silent. It is important to note that English pronunciation can vary depending on the accent or dialect, but this is the most commonly accepted pronunciation.

Common mistakes to avoid

Some non-native English speakers may make a common mistake of pronouncing "cinema" as "kin-uh-muh". This is incorrect and can often be confusing for native speakers, as it may sound like a different word entirely. Another common mistake is placing stress on the wrong syllable, such as "si-nee-muh" or "sih-nuh-muh", which can also cause confusion.

Practicing your pronunciation

One of the best ways to improve your pronunciation is to practice speaking the word out loud. Repeat the correct pronunciation "sih-neh-muh" slowly, and gradually increase your speed as you become more comfortable. You can also listen to recordings of native English speakers saying the word and try to mimic their pronunciation. Watching movies or TV shows in English can also help improve your pronunciation skills, as you can hear actors saying the word "cinema" in context.


Pronouncing "cinema" correctly in English is important for effective communication, especially in professional or academic settings. Remember to stress the second syllable and pronounce the "c" like an "s", with a silent "h". Avoid common mistakes such as pronouncing it as "kin-uh-muh" or stressing the wrong syllable. With practice, you can improve your pronunciation skills and feel more confident in your English language abilities.