> 口语知识 > hole怎么读英语



What is '.hole' in English?

'hole' is a common English word that refers to a hollow or empty space in a surface or object. It can be pronounced as "hohl" with a long 'o' sound, or as "hōl" with a short 'o' sound. However, the meaning may change when the word is used in conjunction with a dot, such as '.hole'.

Contextual Meaning of '.hole'

When the dot is placed before 'hole', it may change the meaning of the word in a specific context. For instance, in computer programming, '.hole' is often used to denote a security vulnerability that a hacker can exploit to gain unauthorized access to a system or network. In this context, the dot is used to indicate that the vulnerability is hidden or concealed, much like a hole in the wall that is difficult to spot.

Alternative Pronunciation of '.hole'

While '.hole' is not typically pronounced with a specific pronunciation, some people may do so for fun or as a form of wordplay. For example, some may pronounce it as "dot-hole" or "period-hole" to emphasize the fact that it includes a dot or period before the word. Others may pronounce it with exaggerated emphasis on the 'hole' to create a humorous or playful effect.

Uses of '.hole' in Popular Culture

The use of '.hole' in popular culture is primarily associated with the internet and technology industry. It has been used in domain names, such as "asshole.com" and "vortexhole.com", as well as in online forums and chat rooms. Additionally, it has been used in memes and social media posts to create a humorous effect or to poke fun at a particular subject or individual.


In conclusion, the pronunciation and meaning of '.hole' depend on the context in which it is used. While it is typically used in the technology industry, it has also been used in popular culture to create a playful or humorous effect.