> 口语知识 > wants怎么读英语




Wants is a common word in English. It refers to the things that we desire, the things that we wish for, or the things that we want to achieve. Knowing how to pronounce this word correctly is important, especially if you want to communicate effectively in English. In this article, we will discuss how to properly pronounce the word "wants" in English.

The Pronunciation of "Wants"

The word "wants" is pronounced with a short "o" sound, like the word "on". The "a" is pronounced as a schwa sound, which is a neutral vowel sound. The "t" is pronounced as a soft "t" sound, which is almost silent. So, the correct pronunciation of "wants" is "wonz".

The Different Forms of "Wants"

"Wants" is the plural form of "want". The singular form is pronounced the same way, with a short "o" sound, a schwa sound, and a soft "t". However, there are other forms of "want" that have different pronunciations. For example, the past tense of "want" is "wanted", which is pronounced with a long "a" sound, like the word "say". The -ed ending is pronounced as a separate syllable, with a short "i" sound, like the word "it". So, the correct pronunciation of "wanted" is "won-tid".

Common Phrases with "Wants"

Here are some common phrases that use the word "wants", along with their correct pronunciations:

  • "I want" – pronounced "I wont"
  • "He wants" – pronounced "He wonz"
  • "She wants" – pronounced "She wonz"
  • "They want" – pronounced "They wont"
  • "Who wants" – pronounced "Hoo wonz"
  • "What he wants" – pronounced "What he wonz"

Practice Your Pronunciation of "Wants"

The best way to improve your pronunciation of "wants" is to practice it regularly. Here are some tips to help you practice:

  • Listen to native speakers pronounce the word.
  • Repeat the word after them, focusing on the correct sounds.
  • Record yourself saying the word and compare your pronunciation to the native speaker's.
  • Practice saying the word in context, in sentences or phrases.
  • Ask a native speaker to listen to you and give you feedback on your pronunciation.


Pronouncing "wants" correctly is important for effective communication in English. Remember to use the short "o" sound, the schwa sound, and the soft "t" sound. Practice your pronunciation regularly, and listen to native speakers to improve your skills. With some practice, you'll be able to pronounce "wants" perfectly!