> 口语知识 > germany怎么读英语




As a non-native English speaker, it is common to struggle with pronunciation of certain English words. This is especially true when it comes to foreign country names like Germany. Many people tend to pronounce Germany with a hard 'g', like in the word 'go', or emphasize the 'man' part too much, which is incorrect. This article will guide you on how to properly pronounce Germany in English.

Pronunciation of 'German'

Before we get into the pronunciation of 'Germany', it is worth noting that the word 'German' is often mispronounced as well. The correct pronunciation of 'German' is with a soft 'g' sound, like in the word 'gentle', followed by the 'er' sound, like in the word 'fur'. So, it should be pronounced as 'jer-muh-n'.

Pronunciation of 'Germany'

The correct pronunciation of 'Germany' is with a soft 'g' sound, followed by the 'er' sound, and emphasis on the second syllable. So, it should be pronounced as 'jer-muh-nee'.

Breaking Down the Pronunciation

Let's break down the pronunciation of 'Germany' further. The 'g' sound is not pronounced like in the word 'go', but rather like in the word 'gin'. The 'er' sound is pronounced like in the word 'her'. Finally, the emphasis should be on the second syllable, which means it should be pronounced louder and longer than the other syllables.

Tips for Practicing Pronunciation

If you find pronouncing 'Germany' difficult, there are some tips you can try to help you practice and improve:

  • Listen to native English speakers pronounce the word and try to mimic their pronunciation
  • Break down the word into syllables and practice each syllable separately before putting them together
  • Repeat the word multiple times until it becomes more natural for you to say


Pronouncing foreign words can be challenging, but with practice and guidance, it can become easier. Remember to pronounce 'Germany' with a soft 'g', followed by the 'er' sound, and emphasis on the second syllable. Keep practicing and soon you'll be able to say it like a pro!
