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What is "hers"?

"Hers" is a possessive pronoun in English which indicates that a particular object or idea belongs to a female person or thing. It is the feminine equivalent of "his."

Pronunciation of "hers"

The correct pronunciation of "hers" in English is similar to the word "her" with an "s" sound added to the end. It is pronounced as "hurz."

Usage of "hers"

"Hers" is used to indicate that a specific object or idea belongs to a female person. For example, "The book on the shelf is hers" means that the book belongs to a female person. It can also be used as a standalone sentence, such as "Is this yours or hers?".

It is important to note that "hers" is a possessive pronoun and not a personal pronoun. Personal pronouns are used to refer to the subject of the sentence, while possessive pronouns are used to describe ownership.

Other possessive pronouns

Aside from "hers," there are other possessive pronouns in English that indicate ownership:

  • His (for masculine ownership)
  • Your (for singular or plural ownership)
  • Its (for inanimate object ownership)
  • Theirs (for plural ownership)
  • Mine (for first person ownership)


"Hers" is a commonly used possessive pronoun in English, indicating that a specific object or idea belongs to a female person or thing. The correct pronunciation is "hurz" with an added "s" sound. In addition to "hers," there are other possessive pronouns in English that indicate ownership. Understanding and using possessive pronouns correctly is essential for clear communication in English.