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What is Third in English?

Third is a common English word that can be used as an adjective, adverb, noun, or ordinal number. It is pronounced as "thurd" (with a voiced 'th' sound).

Examples of Third as an Adjective and Adverb

As an adjective, third is used to describe something that comes after two others in a ranking order, such as "third place" in a competition. As an adverb, it reflects the position of "being in the third position" like "reciting lines in the third act of a play." In both cases, the pronunciation remains the same.

Third as a Noun in English

As a noun, third refers to the numeral 3 in a sequence, but it is often referred to as third base in sports, where a player has to reach after hitting the ball from home base in baseball or softball.

Third as an Ordinal Number

Third is also an ordinal number, which means a position in a series or order. For example, "the third chapter of the book" or "he was the third person to arrive."

Practice Saying Third in English

To practice saying "third" in English, try saying words like "earth," "worth," and "birth" aloud while focusing on the "th" sound. Keep practicing until you can say it naturally and fluently as "thurd" without any difficulty.