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What's the correct pronunciation of "first" in English?

"First" is a commonly used word in English that can mean a variety of things, including "before all others" or "heralding the beginning of something." However, the pronunciation of "first" in English can be a bit tricky, and many non-native English speakers struggle with finding the correct way to say this word. In this article, we will take a closer look at the correct pronunciation of "first."

How to pronounce "first" in English

The pronunciation of "first" in English can vary depending on the speaker's accent or dialect. However, there are two main ways to pronounce this word correctly. The first way is to emphasize the "i" sound and say "furst" with a short "u" sound. This is the most common pronunciation in American English. The second way is to emphasize the "r" sound and say "fuh-rst" with a longer "u" sound. This is more commonly heard in British English.

Practice saying "first" correctly

To improve your pronunciation of "first," it's essential to practice saying the word correctly. You can start by first listening to the correct pronunciation of native speakers. Then, try speaking along with them, paying attention to the sounds of each syllable. Record yourself speaking and play it back to evaluate how well you're pronouncing the word.

Avoid common mistakes when pronouncing "first"

One of the most common mistakes people make when pronouncing "first" is emphasizing the "r" sound too much or not enough. If you're not used to emphasizing the "r" sound, it can be easy to overlook it when saying "first." On the other hand, if you overemphasize the "r" sound, the word can sound choppy or unnatural. Make sure you practice speaking "first" with a comfortable rhythm and the correct emphasis on each syllable.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, the correct pronunciation of "first" in English can vary depending on the speaker's accent or dialect. However, by focusing on the correct sounds of each syllable, regularly practicing speaking the word, and avoiding common mistakes, you can improve your pronunciation and sound more confident when speaking English.
