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Short is a common English word, but its pronunciation can be a bit tricky. In this article, we will guide you on how to correctly pronounce the word “short” in different contexts and accents.

Short in General American English

In General American English, “short” is pronounced as “short” with a neutral vowel sound. The “o” is pronounced similarly to the “o” in “hot” or “got.” This is the most common pronunciation of “short” in the United States, and it’s the one that you are most likely to hear in movies, TV shows, and everyday conversations.

Short in British English

In British English, the pronunciation of “short” is slightly different. The “o” sound is closer to the “o” in “lot” or “block.” The “r” sound is also more noticeable than in General American English. Therefore, “short” is pronounced like “short-r” or “shawt-r” with a slight emphasis on the “r” at the end.

Short in Australian English

Australian English has a distinct accent, and the pronunciation of “short” varies slightly. The “o” sound is pronounced as a diphthong – a combination of two vowel sounds. It sounds more like “sho-rt” or “shor-rt” with a slight emphasis on the “r” sound.

Short in Southern American English

Southern American English has a distinct accent, and “short” is pronounced with an elongated “o” sound. It sounds more like “shaw-rt” or “shaht” with a strong emphasis on the “r” sound. The “sh” sound is also pronounced more like a “ch” sound.

Short in New York English

New York English also has a distinct accent, and the pronunciation of “short” is unique. The “o” sound is pronounced more like “aw.” Therefore, “short” sounds more like “shawt” or “shaw-uh-t” with a slight emphasis on the “t” sound.


Overall, the pronunciation of “short” varies based on the country, region, and accent. It’s essential to understand the different pronunciations to communicate more effectively with native English speakers.