> 口语知识 > 肚子怎么读英语单词




In English, when it comes to pronouncing words with the “d” and “t” consonant sounds, we sometimes pronounce them as “d” or “t” based on their placement within a word. This same rule applies to the word “stomach” which has two pronunciations. In this article, we will discuss the different ways of pronouncing the word “stomach” as well as share tips on how to properly pronounce this word.

The First Pronunciation of "Stomach"

The first pronunciation of “stomach” has a sound very similar to “stuh-muhk”. This is the most commonly used pronunciation of the word and is used when the word is being used as a noun to describe the internal organ.

The Second Pronunciation of "Stomach"

The second way to pronounce “stomach” is “sto-mak”. This pronunciation is typically used when the word “stomach” is used as a verb, as in “to stomach something”. This pronunciation is less commonly used than the first.

Tips for Properly Pronouncing "Stomach"

One trick to pronouncing “stomach” correctly is to pay attention to the “ch” sound at the end of the word. This sound is formed by placing the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth and then releasing a burst of air out of your mouth. You may also want to try saying the word in slow motion at first, breaking it down into its individual syllables (“sto” and “mach”) until you feel comfortable saying it at a normal pace.


In conclusion, the word “stomach” has two pronunciations and it’s crucial to properly pronounce this word in order to effectively communicate with native speakers. By following our tips and tricks, you can confidently pronounce the word “stomach” in any context.