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Introduction: What is "mention" in English?

"Mention" is a verb in English that means to refer to or speak about something briefly. It can also mean to name-drop or acknowledge someone in conversation. Pronounced as [men-shuhn], it is commonly used in both formal and informal settings, and is an essential word to learn for both spoken and written English.

How to Pronounce "Mention" Correctly

The pronunciation of "mention" is straightforward once you know its phonetic symbol, which is /ˈmenʃən/. You may find this word difficult to say if you're not familiar with the English language's phonetics. Here's how to master the word's pronunciation:

  • Start with the "m" sound, made by placing the tongue at the roof of the mouth.
  • Move to the "eh" vowel sound, which you make with your tongue in the center of your mouth, halfway between the top and bottom of your mouth.
  • Pronounce the "n" sound by lowering the back of your tongue, and touching the roof of your mouth with its middle.
  • Add the "sh" sound by placing the tip of your tongue just behind the front teeth, making a hissing sound.
  • Finish with the "uhn" sound, similar to "on," by voicing the back of the tongue touching the roof of the mouth's back, then completing with the "n" again.

Examples of "Mention" in a Sentence

In English, "mention" can be used in a variety of ways, including as a transitive verb or a noun. Here are some examples of how it might be used in a sentence:

  • I didn't mention her name because I didn't want to offend anyone.
  • He mentioned the possibility of rain later this week.
  • She made a passing mention of the issue in her speech.
  • The article's mention of his business practices sparked a debate.
  • He was quick to make a mention of his accomplishments in the meeting.

Common Phrases Using "Mention"

"Mention" is commonly used in many English phrases, especially in casual conversation. Here are some of the most commonly used phrases that include "mention":

  • "Don't mention it" - this is a polite way to say "you're welcome."
  • "Not to mention" - this is a way of introducing a point that is so obvious it doesn't need stating.
  • "Let me mention" - this is a polite way of interjecting into a conversation to make a point.
  • "Without mentioning any names" - this is a way of talking about a person anonymously.

Conclusion: Practice Pronouncing and Using "Mention" in Your Conversations

If you're learning English, mastering the pronunciation and meaning of "mention" is essential. Practice speaking and listening to the word until you feel it rolls off your tongue comfortably, and try to use it whenever possible in conversation. As one of the most common verbs in the English language, "mention" can help you convey your thoughts and ideas more effectively in both formal and informal settings.