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> 有关“stressed”的文章
  • separate怎么读英语


    Introduction: What is Separate? Before diving into how to pronounce "separate," it's important to understand what the word means. "Separate" is an...

    04-16 73 157 未分类
  • prepare怎么读英语


    Introduction Prepare is a commonly used verb in English, and it can be pronounced in two different ways depending on its context. In this article,...

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  • russia怎么读英语


    Introduction Russia is a country located in northern Eurasia. It is the largest country in the world, covering more than one-eighth of the Earth's...

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  • friendly怎么读英语


    What is "Friendly" in English? "Friendly" is a common English word that is used to describe someone who is amicable, kind, and affable. This word ...

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  • farmer怎么读英语语音


    Introduction Farmer is an important word in agricultural societies. It refers to a person who cultivates crops or raises livestock. But do you kno...

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