> 有关“depending”的文章
  • 掉下怎么读英语


    Introduction English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, and proficiency in English has become increasingly important for per...

    04-16 552 993 口语知识
  • nationality怎么读英语


    What is Nationality in English? Before learning how to read "nationality" in English, it is important to understand its meaning. Nationality refer...

    04-16 798 575 口语知识
  • daughter怎么读英语单词


    Introduction Daughter is a commonly used word in the English language. Of course, like most words, it may present pronunciation challenges for som...

    04-16 134 178 口语知识
  • fair怎么读英语


    What is the correct pronunciation of "fair" in English? Fair is a common word in English language that can be used as an adjective, adverb, or nou...

    04-16 196 524 口语知识
  • never怎么读英语


    Introduction 'Never' is a common word in the English language and can be used in various contexts. However, its pronunciation can be tricky for no...

    04-16 96 562 口语知识
  • ruler怎么读英语


    Introduction The word "ruler" is a common English word that has multiple meanings. It can refer to a measuring tool, a monarch or a leader, and a ...

    04-16 826 822 口语知识
  • group怎么读英语


    What is '.group'? '.group' is a popular top-level domain (TLD) used for websites and email addresses. It was created in 1985 and is managed by the...

    04-16 346 913 口语知识